BRIDGES OF LIGHT Dear Friends and Companions in the Light, Many of us experienced the crossing of the threshold to the new millennium as a global celebration of peace and goodwill regardless of where it was taking place. We saw firsthand the unity of intention for peace and goodwill expressed through the diverse cultures of the world. Each in its own way celebrated the passing of the old, and heralding the birth of a new age, a new consciousness of joy, abundance and harmony. Many have awakened to and recognize the need to work together to bring harmony and balance to the planet. On the individual, human level we are also seeing an unprecedented opening and reaching out for meaning, reverence, peace, harmony and unity. There is a longing for understanding, acceptance and belonging. Through these events we are being encouraged to experience the actual nature of humanity and its relationship to all kingdoms of creation. This is beautifully expressed in the "Flower Garland Sutra"* (Avatamsaka sutra):
For many the changes which are being brought about through these new energies are causing extreme discomfort on the physical, sensory, emotional and mental levels. As we individually earthe the shifts in consciousness by releasing the old binding thought processes and behaviors, we are helping all people to make the shift as well. We are reminded that we are responsible only for our own creation, including our physical body and energy field, and the way we relate to all with which we come in contact. This is our Sphere of Influence, and it is from this place that all else emanates. As Russell Paul Schofield, the founder of Actualism wrote:
Every day we
are in a
position to help earthe this new consciousness of Love, Wisdom and Good
Will, deeper within the body of our planet Earth, and deeper into the
body/mind awareness of Humanity in general. We are able to expand the
energies of the previous seasons – those of Wisdom – the Illumined Mind
imbued and enhanced with the power of Love. Love infused with Wisdom is
Compassion in action. Wisdom and Love support the expression of Good Will
opening all to the inflow of abundance. We are in a planetary cycle which continues to provide an augmentation of the power and full potential of Planetary Consciousness that is being anchored deep within the core of the Earth. Now more than ever it is important to continue to invoke the triad of Love, Wisdom and Goodwill. We can help anchor these at all levels and all dimensions of creation. With our unified focus we then can channel that throughout the Networks direct to those places where conflict abounds. In this way, we provide inner support and power to those Lightworkers immediately responsible for bringing about Peace and Prosperity where ever they are. We are invited to stand open to the inflowing energies being anchored deep within the core of the Earth through the willing intent of Lightworkers throughout world. As members of a tremendous network of Light which is within, throughout and all about each of us, the planet and the cosmos, we are encouraged to use this period to continue the work we began several years ago. Increasing tensions and the re-emergence and escalation of hostilities in many places around the world provides an even greater challenge to those who have chosen this Path of Earth Service. This is a period when the Will to Good, Peace and Unity is being tested. Lightworkers are being called upon to intensify the process of building bridges of Light across the chasm from old, destructive states of consciousness and behavior to the new consciousness of Unity, Prosperity, and Well-being for all. Using our group power and intention we can earthe Love, rather than its inversions: hate, rage, kill. We can earthe Wisdom, rather than its inversions: fear, ignorance, illusion, and delusion. We can earthe the Will to Good, rather than its inversions: abuse of power, control, manipulation, greed and impoverishment. Through our willingness to open to the Mind, Heart and Will of the Father/Mother Creator of the Cosmos, we can bring about the reestablishment of Heaven on Earth – the Paradise Lost for which so many have been yearning. With this in mind, we invite you to join us as we enter into the next phase of our mission to earthe the networks of light throughout the world. We do this through the focused intent for the energy of Love, Wisdom and Goodwill to be anchored deeply within each of us, so that we may reach out to those who are personally involved in this struggle for right human relations wherever they may be. Let us focus together first in the beauty of our individual uniqueness. Recognize how that uniqueness is not lost through union. Experience the harmony that is created by our union. As we enter into this union of diversity, let us hold each other in the light of our mutual support, protection and healing...seeking to manifest and recreate the balance and harmony in whatever area of life and living it is needed...extending powerful support to the many Anchors of Light wherever they are. And, in so doing may we all continue to manifest more of our potential, demonstrate more of our Actual Authority, our Faith in ourselves and Compassion for each other's learning steps along the way to wholeness...expressing this with deep love and gratitude, appreciation and recognition of who we are and why we have come we freely, willingly and joyfully journey along the path of earth service. --Bernice B.